Rats Deserve to Live, Too

Artist: Coral T.
Age: 11
Location: San Francisco

Description: My painting (pencil and acrylic paint on canvas) shows the top half of a planet, with multiple rats on it holding flags from different parts of the world. The planet itself has white oceans with rainbow landmasses. In the space around it are my two departed pet ratties, Sunny and Pearl as angels, and a sun. The multiple flags represent different places and cultures from around the world with rats, because (1) I love rats, (2) rats are looked down upon by most, and (3) it brings me peace to know that Sunny and Pearl are happy somewhere out there. The rainbow represents LGBTQ+ people.

How we create peace: I think that the first step to creating peace is to accept that there are things different than we are, and that they also deserve to live. Then we can stop obsessing over money and models and new cars, and get a proper leader.

Vision for a brighter future: I think that humans should coexist peacefully with nature and everything in it, instead of warring against it. We should also respect all people with different skin tones, genders, religions, and other things that make people diverse. We should accept that there are people (and animals and plants) that are different than we are and let them have equal rights. That is my vision: peaceful coexistence and equal rights for everything.

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